Prices on this website are valid until 1st April 2025
There are a number of different options for the pricing of courses and consultancy. Please pick the option that will be of most benefit to you.
Training Courses and Individual Training
Per individual:
This option gives a fixed price per individual attendee.
£200 for half day
£350 for full day
Per session:
This option gives a fixed price per session (up to 20 attendees):
£ 900 for half day
£1700 for full day
Please note that the nature of some sessions means that they will not work with less than 6 attendees. Consequently courses paid on an individual basis may need to be postponed until a minimum number is reached. If you wish a session to be run for more than 20 attendees please contact me to discuss whether this is possible.
Per hour:
This option gives a fixed price per hour, and may be the best option for shorter sessions or for small groups. I will typically charge between £200 and £300 per hour depending on the support and preparation needed.
One to one GCSE / A'Level Tutoring will typically be priced at £30 / £40 per hour respectively.
Please contact me for more details
Consultancy is typically charged at £850 - £1250 per day depending on what is required. Hourly rates correspond with this, so will usually be between £115 - £170 per hour. Any travel expenses will be expected to be reimbursed in addition to this, although work will be carried out remotely wherever possible.
Please note that I offer consultancy services for registered charities at a lower rate.
Please contact me for more details
Can't afford these prices?
Please contact me with details of your requirements and what you are able to pay
Course and Consultancy Cancellations
Course cancellations will be charged as follows:
No charge - more than four weeks before the course, or within 14 days of booking
25% of booking - one to four weeks before the course unless within 14 days of booking
50% of booking - less than one week before the course unless within 14 days of booking
Consultancy cancellations will be charged at 5% of contract value, unless cancelled within 14 days of booking, or re-arranged for a later date. Any contractual agreement once signed will then take precedence.
Location for Courses
Each of these options can be delivered at your location or at a location near to me. There are different considerations for each of these locations.
My location:
I will provide drinks i.e. tea, coffee, water but there will be no lunch provided as standard. I am happy, though, to pre-negotiate an extra fee to ensure that lunch is provided.
All handouts will be provided to you electronically and delegates will need to bring a copy of these with them.
If a course is computer based then the delegate will be expected to bring a laptop. Details of software to install will be provided to you before the session. Delegates will be expected to have installed this software before the session starts
Your location:
You will be providing the venue and appropriate refreshments
While not charging for travel time, I will be travelling to most venues by train / taxi. This cost will be expected to be re-imbursed
Where a course lasts for more than one day, it is your choice whether these run on consecutive days or not. If this requires me to stay at your location overnight then this cost will be expected to be re-imbursed
If a course is computer based then you will be expected to provide an appropriate venue with the software already installed before the session starts